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Exploring AFBA Life Insurance A Comprehensive Reviews

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People seek reliable and accessible life insurance options when it comes to safeguarding their future. The Armed Forces Benefit Association (AFBA) provides benefits to not only military service members and veterans, but also first responders, DoD contractors, and government and municipal employees. We at AFBA are committed to offering group and individual life insurance with a unique twist: no exclusions for war or terrorism.

Pros & Cons: The AFBA Experience

$15,000 Emergency Death Benefit:

In times of distress, AFBA provides a ray of hope with its prompt $15,000 emergency death benefit payment to beneficiaries. This rapid assistance aids families when they need it the most.

Simplified Issue Policies:

Unlike many other providers, AFBA offers simplified issue policies, sparing you from extensive medical exams and bloodwork. This convenience allows you to secure coverage quickly.

No War or Terrorism Exclusions:

AFBA’s policies stand out by not imposing war or terrorism exclusions. This is particularly invaluable for active military personnel.

Exclusive Eligibility:

AFBA’s policies are not accessible to the general public. To qualify, you must fall into specific categories, such as being a military service member, veteran, DoD contractor, government or municipal employee, first responder, or a spouse of a qualifying member.

Coverage Limits:

While AFBA’s offerings are commendable, they do come with relatively lower coverage maximums, capped at $500,000.

Available Plans Tailored to Your Needs

AFBA primarily focuses on term life insurance, known for its affordability. Here’s a glimpse of the available plans

Better Alternative Term:

Tailored for active duty military, retirees, and separatees, this policy offers coverage ranging from $50,000 to $400,000. If you’re under 50 and opt for coverage below $250,000, no medical exam is required. Plus, the policy lasts until you turn 70 as long as premiums are paid promptly.

Group Level Term:

AFBA offers group level term policies, providing coverage up to $500,000. For coverage amounts below $250,000 and applicants under 50, no medical exam is necessary. Similar to the Better Alternative Term, this policy lasts until age 70 with timely premium payments.

Exploring AFBA Life Insurance A Comprehensive Reviews
Exploring AFBA Life Insurance A Comprehensive Reviews

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Children Term:

Parents can secure level term insurance for their children aged one to 17, with coverage up to $50,000. The policy remains in force until the child reaches 70, with premiums leveling off until age 45.

Smart Start Child:

Designed for children and grandchildren, this plan offers $15,000 of coverage. Eligible children are between 14 days and 18 years old, and the policy remains active until they turn 25. A single premium payment option is available, allowing the policyholder to choose $10,000 of coverage for $150 or $15,000 for $225. After the child turns 25, conversion to a whole life policy is possible without a medical exam.

Available Riders Customizing Your Coverage

AFBA offers optional insurance riders to enhance your policy:

Child Insurance:

You can add coverage for your child, with up to $25,000 in child term insurance. Eligibility extends to children under 21, or up to 23 if they are full-time students.

Spouse Coverage:

Extend life insurance to your spouse with coverage options up to $500,000 on the same application.

Family Survivor Scholarship:

AFBA’s policies include the Family Survivor Scholarship. In the unfortunate event of your demise in a combat zone or due to acts of foreign terrorism, your spouse and children are eligible for up to $10,000 per year, per family, with a maximum-benefit of $40,000 per family. Note that this scholarship isn’t available in New York and is limited to First Responders in Virginia.

Customer Service: Accessibility and Support

AFBA ensures ease of access for its customers. You can obtain quotes and policy information online. When you’re ready to apply, reach out to AFBA directly or contact an insurance agent. Customer support is available Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. EST at 800-776-2322. Additionally, you can send a secure message for assistance. For those preferring in-person support, contacting a field service representative is an option.

Complaint Index A Closer Look

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) uses complaint ratios to assess companies’ performance. In 2021, 5 Star Life, which issues AFBA policies, had a complaint ratio of 0.92, below the industry standard of 1.0. However, it’s worth noting that most complaints revolved around claims handling and policy underwriting.

Third-Party Ratings Recognized Excellence

While AFBA and 5 Star Life were not part of the J.D. Power 2022 U.S. Individual Life Insurance Study, they enjoy recognition from industry leaders like AM Best. In 2022, AM Best bestowed upon 5 Star Life an A- (Excellent) rating, reflecting financial stability and a robust business outlook.

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Cancellation Policy Flexibility with a Free Look Period

AFBA provides a 10-day free look period, allowing you to cancel your policy without penalty during this time, and receive a full refund. After this period, you can still cancel your policy, but no premium refunds are applicable. To initiate a cancellation, contact AFBA’s customer support team at 800-776-2322.

Price Competitive and Accessible

AFBA’s group rates often translate to more affordable policies compared to other providers. Estimated monthly premiums for a 25-year-old male in good health for coverage amounts of $100,000, $250,000, and $400,000 are $10, $25, and $40, respectively. General quotes are available online, but for detailed rate information, contacting AFBA or speaking with an agent is necessary. AFBA acknowledges the need for gender inclusivity, even though many insurance companies are yet to update their underwriting processes accordingly.

Competition A Consideration

While AFBA serves its specific demographic well, its policies are limited and not available to everyone. If you seek broader options or higher coverage amounts, alternative insurers may be more suitable. Consider exploring New York Life, a top pick for life insurance. New York Life offers various plans, including term, whole, universal life, and variable universal life policies. With coverage limits extending to $1 million or more and a range of available riders, New York Life provides a compelling alternative. Moreover, it boasts a strong customer service track record with a 2021 complaint ratio of just 0.17, well below the industry standard.

Exploring AFBA Life Insurance A Comprehensive Reviews
Exploring AFBA Life Insurance A Comprehensive Reviews

Final Verdict

For military service members, veterans, and government employees, AFBA’s policies present an attractive option for supplemental life insurance. However, the eligibility criteria limit its availability to a select group. If you’re seeking a broader array of options or higher coverage amounts, it’s advisable to explore other life insurance providers.

Learn More Our Methodology

Our assessments of life insurance companies are rooted in a quantitative methodology that delves into various aspects. We scrutinize each insurer’s stability, reliability, customer service, claims handling, diversity of product offerings, and pricing. We also perform comprehensive comparisons of policy-types, coverage amounts, optional riders, and premium payment options, benchmarking them against other leading insurance providers. Furthermore, we take into account third party assessments to gauge a company’s reliability and overall reputation.

Continuing Your Exploration of AFBA Life Insurance

Now that you have gained insight into the AFBA Life Insurance offerings, let’s delve-further into some key aspects of their services:

Financial Strength and Stability

AFBA has a solid reputation for financial stability. This is vital when considering a life-insurance provider, as it ensures that they have the means to honor their commitments to policyholders. Their affiliation with 5 Star Life, which holds an A Excellent rating from AM Best in 2022, further underscores their financial strength.

Legacy of Service

AFBA has a long-standing tradition of serving those who serve their country. With roots dating back to 1947, they have a deep understanding of the unique needs and challenges faced by military personnel and government employees. This legacy of service is reflected in their commitment to offering-tailored insurance solutions.

Flexibility in Coverage

While AFBA primarily offers term life insurance, they provide a variety of options within this category to cater to different needs. Whether you’re an active duty military member, a retiree, or a concerned parent looking to secure coverage for your child, AFBA has tailored plans to suit your situation.
Exceptional Support: AFBA’s commitment to customer support-extends beyond traditional channels. Their availability from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday, ensures that you can reach out when it’s convenient for you. Additionally, the option to connect with a field service representative in person provides a level of personalization that sets them apart.

Comparing with New York Life

As we mentioned earlier, New York Life is a strong competitor in the life insurance industry. While AFBA has its unique strengths, such as catering to military and government employees, New York Life offers a broader range of policies, including whole life, universal life, and variable universal life insurance. This diversity in offerings may be appealing if you’re looking for a more comprehensive insurance-portfolio.

Diving Deeper into AFBA Life Insurance

As you embark on your journey to secure your financial future through life insurance, it’s crucial to examine some additional facets of AFBA Life Insurance:

A History of Trust

Reliability and trust have been the cornerstones of AFBA’s illustrious past. They have been committed to defending the rights of service members, veterans, and government workers for more than seven decades. This steadfast dedication is evidence of their moral character and the assurance they give to policyholders.

Community Engagement

Beyond insurance, AFBA actively engages with the communities it serves. They understand the challenges faced by military families and work to address these through various initiatives and partnerships. By choosing AFBA, you’re not just securing insurance; you’re contributing to a community that understands your unique needs.

Legacy Planning

Life insurance is not merely a financial product; it’s a tool for legacy planning. AFBA recognizes this and offers policies that allow you to leave a lasting legacy for your loved ones. Whether it is providing for your family’s future or supporting a child’s education, AFBA’s policies can be tailored to help you achieve your legacy-goals.

Rider Options

While AFBA offers a select number of riders, they can significantly enhance your coverage. The Child Insurance rider ensures your children are protected, while the Spouse Coverage option extends the benefits to your partner. The Family Survivor Scholarship is a unique offering that provides financial support to your family in the face of adversity.

Complaint Ratio Context

It’s worth noting that while AFBA’s complaint ratio may be slightly-below the industry standard, this metric doesn’t tell the whole story. Complaints can vary in severity, and the company’s commitment to addressing and resolving them promptly is equally important. AFBA’s track record of handling-claims and addressing issues is a crucial aspect to consider.

The Decision-Making Process

Choosing the right life insurance provider is a significant decision. It involves assessing your current financial situation, understanding your long-term goals, and considering the needs of your beneficiaries. It’s also an opportunity to engage in a thoughtful conversation with a financial advisor or insurance expert who can provide guidance tailored to your unique circumstances.

Your Financial Future

The foundation of financial planning is life insurance. It gives you the comfort of knowing that your loved ones will be taken care of even if you are not there. It’s a responsible move toward guaranteeing your family’s financial security and an investment in the future of your family.


AFBA Life Insurance offers a unique array of benefits tailored to military service members, veterans, and specific government employees. Its distinctive features, such as the absence of war or terrorism exclusions, make it an appealing choice for those who qualify. However, its limited availability and coverage caps may not suit everyone’s needs. It’s essential to carefully assess your requirements and compare options before making a decision. For a more extensive range of choices and higher coverage limits, exploring alternative providers like New York Life may be a prudent move.

FAQs about AFBA Life Insurance

What is AFBA Life Insurance, and who does it serve?

AFBA Life Insurance, provided by the Armed Forces Benefit Association, offers life insurance options primarily designed for military service members, veterans, first responders, Department of Defense (DoD) contractors, government or municipal employees, and their families.

What are the key advantages of AFBA Life Insurance?

AFBA Life Insurance stands out for several reasons, including its $15,000 emergency death benefit, simplified issue policies, and the absence of war or terrorism exclusions. These features make it a valuable-choice for those who qualify.

Who can apply for AFBA Life Insurance policies?

AFBA policies are available to a specific set of individuals, including military service members, veterans, DoD contractors, government or municipal employees, first responders, and spouses of qualifying members.

Are there different term life insurance options within AFBA’s offerings?

Yes, AFBA offers various term life options, including Better Alternative Term, Group Level Term, Children Term, and Smart Start Child. Each option caters to different demographics and coverage needs.

Can I add riders to my AFBA Life Insurance policy?

Yes, AFBA provides optional riders to enhance your coverage. These may include Child Insurance, Spouse Coverage, and the unique Family Survivor Scholarship rider.

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